Assisting a leading European investment fund with commercial and ESG due diligence

Analysing the impact potential of a new energy acquisition for leading European investment fund.

The client, a leading European investment fund, required support for their commercial approach and ESG due diligence of a target business operating within the offshore wind market.​

Working with the Managing Partner and CIOs of the investment fund, Xynteo designed and executed the due diligence process aligned to investment objectives – engaging in a full assessment of the target’s macro context, industry growth drivers, competitors, defensible positioning, staffing model and in-house capabilities, and orderbook.​


Commercial and ESG risks identified with associated mitigation plans​


Tier 1/2 competitors benchmarked to assess competitive advantage​


Value-creation opportunities identified and prioritised​

The initiative

The key objectives for the engagement:

  • Investigate and report on the target’s position in the global offshore wind value-chain ​
  • Benchmark multiple tier one / two competitors to assess advantage and right to win​
  • Generate an evidence-based view of staff profiles to assess in-house capabilities​

Xynteo’s role

Research and analysis:

  • Evaluated the target’s commercial and ESG risks including their governance model​
  • Identified key industry constraints and modelled 10-year market growth

Opportunity development:

  • Identified organic value-creation opportunities and 10+ potential acquisitions
  • Developed an analysis report summarising findings for other potential co-investors​

About the Author
Kelsie Zerf

Kelsie Zerf

Marketing Associate