Women For People and Planet: Monika Shrivastava

With 18 years in sustainability, starting when it wasn’t yet a buzzword, Monika Shrivastava has grown from waste management expert to ESG leader. A passionate advocate who brings enthusiasm to every project, she has tackled everything from biodiversity to climate change, while building a reputation for making an impact despite her youthful appearance. Now leading sustainability initiatives at JSW Cement, Monika brings the same dedication to transforming the cement industry that she hopes to one day bring to mastering her family’s cooking traditions.

Xynteo’s Kavya Jain sat down with Monika to talk about her journey, what she has learned, and how she sees the future of sustainability in the corporate world.

What does your personal journey towards sustainability look like?

Monika: I’ve spent all 18 years of my professional life in sustainability, and it’s been full of excitement, learning, and joy. I actually studied sustainability – I have a master’s in natural resource management – which surprises many people since sustainability has only recently become a buzzword.

My journey began in waste management with ACC Limited’s Geocycle department in 2007. After four years there, I got an opportunity with the parent company, Holcim, where I worked in Switzerland focusing on biodiversity and water. When I returned to India, I continued working on biodiversity, which wasn’t very well understood in the company at that time. People knew about tigers and plants but didn’t really grasp the concept of biodiversity. I found satisfaction in creating awareness about biodiversity and ecosystem services within the company.

As my role evolved, I worked on waste, biodiversity and water, and climate, and eventually to overall ESG and sustainability-related assignments. Working with a leading global company exposed me to top sustainability practices, which inspired me to explore social sustainability aspects like human rights assessment, supply chain assessments, stakeholder engagement, and communication.

In early 2022, after about 14 years with ACC, I switched to JSW Cement. The exposure and experience I’ve gained in just 2.5 years has been remarkable. While those 15 years added value to my learning and experience, JSW Cement has helped me grow significantly in terms of exposure and developing leadership skills.

I’m fully content with my journey so far, and with half of my career behind me, I look forward to more excitement and learning in the coming years.

What are the skills and experiences that you’ve valued the most on this journey and have equipped you best?

Monika: I’m very passionate about sustainability – it’s very close to my heart. Passion and enthusiasm are skills I adore, and I often hear this feedback from others. Though it’s inbuilt, hearing it from others builds another level of confidence.

The second skill I value is networking and communication. The sustainability arena requires extensive stakeholder engagement, both internal and external. In my job, I need to talk to different departments, and I feel confident speaking to anyone, regardless of hierarchy – whether it’s the HR head, CFO, MD, CEO, or even staff at the contract or associate level. 

In terms of experience, I’ve had the opportunity to work with amazing companies, both in India and globally, and with very supportive bosses. Especially my current boss at JSW Cement – he shows so much trust in me that I’m motivated to go beyond expectations and deliver more than what’s asked.

Another valuable aspect is that I apply my academic knowledge directly to my job. I feel fortunate that my work aligns with my studies, creating the right combination of academic knowledge and professional experience. I’ve managed to find that sweet spot where my education and work complement each other perfectly.

So it’s really this mix – the passion and enthusiasm for what I do, strong networking and communication skills, experience with great organisations and leaders, and the ability to apply my academic knowledge in my daily work – that I value most from my journey.

What barriers have you faced and how have you overcome them?

Monika: My journey has been more about opportunities than barriers. Though it has occasionally felt stagnant, I’ll share some common barriers that I have faced. There can be bias in organisations – not from the organisation itself, but from the people you engage with. I’ve been fortunate that in my previous organisation, most people were very supportive and motivating. In fact, I got an opportunity to work with our parent company on a customised one-year programme with WBCSD and IUCN because another of my department heads nominated me, and my manager fully endorsed and supported me, and I cleared the selection process.

Regarding barriers, gender bias has been one. Some people were sceptical about my ability to handle field visits, which are essential in sustainability as you can’t do everything from the office. However, my first boss was very supportive, saying “go to any plant, explore whatever you want.” Still, some people had apprehensions about me visiting sites and interacting with different stakeholders.

Another bias, and it was probably in my mind – being short and young-looking for my age, I worried people wouldn’t take me seriously. It sometimes made me feel underconfident. 

I also faced some scepticism when I was pregnant and had my child. People assumed I wouldn’t be able to travel or take on certain responsibilities. I had to be clear that unless I personally expressed inability, they shouldn’t make assumptions. Being vocal about my thoughts has helped me handle such situations.

Another barrier was feeling stagnant in a role after 4-5 years of repetitive work. That’s when I decided to switch, which proved beneficial as I not only got to implement my previous organisation’s practices but also developed leadership and communication skills.

One significant barrier was managing increased workload when colleagues left. Though overwhelming initially, this period taught me the most. When you’re overburdened but still want to prove yourself, you often bring your best to the table.

How do you see the future of the CSO role/sustainability teams in the board room?

Monika: I’ll give the example of my own organisation. I believe we’ve made good progress in sustainability at JSW Cement. In our board meetings, sustainability isn’t just a tick-box exercise – I can say this confidently because I attend these meetings. Sometimes what’s planned for 30-45 minutes extends to two hours.

All committee members provide guidance, and because some concepts are new to members who aren’t from a sustainability background, their questions give us more food for thought. You need to be fully prepared – they can ask you anything, from basics to future strategy, and how it would help the business. 

For progressive organisations, sustainability has become a boardroom agenda, not just a tick-box exercise. Even for companies who currently see it as just a requirement, it’s no longer “good to have” – it’s become a must.

Regarding CSO roles and team size, there are interesting contradictions. Yesterday, I read an article about sustainability teams where someone asked, “How big is your team?” and the answer was “Only me.” Recently, my boss, who is the Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer, told me we need to grow our team beyond our current two-member team. Given the kind of work and initiatives we’re doing – not just mandatory requirements but voluntary actions – we need more effort. I personally want to do everything with spirit, not just for the sake of doing it.

While it might be challenging for MSMEs or SMEs to have a big team, larger companies and MNCs must have bigger teams if they really want to make an impact.

Are there any women role models that have inspired you?

MonikaThis is a difficult question because I want to be candid and don’t want to name anyone I don’t completely connect with. There isn’t one particular role model, but there are traits from many women that I find very important, starting with my family—my mother and sister, both teachers, another sister, a lawyer, and my sisters-in-law. 

The perseverance and honesty my mom taught me is crucial, especially in sustainability where you’re driving change for the planet and society, not for the money. You need to be ethical from within – I got this from both my parents.

My mother and sisters have shown me work-life balance. Though I still need to work on one thing – they’re very good cooks, which I’m not! When it comes to my sisters-in-law, who are homemakers, they excel in whatever they do. When you’re working, you might miss something here or there, but they excel in everything, whether it’s taking care of their kids or cooking. Another sister-in-law has taught me agility and resilience specially during difficult times.

Professionally, I’ve learned from mentors in both my previous and current organisations. One friend has faced many challenges in her personal life but has become one of the most successful leaders I know. Her perseverance and resilience inspire me.

The most important trait I admire in any leader is empathy – especially towards those who might be weaker, whether financially, physically, or in any way. Even in meetings, if someone’s voice isn’t being heard, even if I disagree with them, I won’t do so verbally at that moment. I wait for the right time and environment to do so. You need to give people confidence.

I also must mention my husband, who’s been crucial in my sustainability journey. He supports everything I do. With his support, I’ve been able to grow in my journey, even with a longer commute now and raising our 9-year-old. I feel very fortunate to have such supportive people in both my professional and personal life.

Do you have any advice for women starting out in careers in energy transition/ decarbonisation or sustainability in general?

MonikaMy advice to young people, especially women in sustainability or any field, is to excel in one area while gaining insights into others. Regarding gender bias, don’t worry about others’ opinions – let your self-confidence and actions speak louder than words. Like when my boss volunteered me to moderate a session, something I’d never done before, I was hesitant, but taking on that challenge helped me learn something new, and it went well. Sometimes we see barriers in ourselves when others have more confidence in us. So, take those opportunities – if it doesn’t go well, that’s okay too.

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About the Author
Zara Khan

Zara Khan

Executive - Content and Media, Xynteo