Women For People And Planet: Louise Nkosi

  • 04.04.2024
  • 10 min

As the daughter of a black South African man in exile and a white, working class Northern woman, who grew up at a time when interracial relationships were taboo, the personal was always political and social justice, as well as being proud of being a person of colour, have been integral to Louise Nkosi. Her journey then to becoming the CEO …

How Xynteo Is Catalysing Positive Change For Sustainable Growth

  • 03.04.2024
  • 4 min

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, sustainability is no longer just a corporate buzzword or a box to tick. It has become imperative for companies to embrace truly sustainable practices that drive positive impact on people, planet, and profit. However, tackling labyrinthine environmental and social challenges requires a paradigm shift—one that moves beyond siloed efforts and embraces the power of …

Women For People And Planet: Abby Chicken

  • 28.03.2024
  • 7 min

Abby knew from early-on that sustainability or ‘making a difference’ was the plan for her career and it has had some unpredictable twists and turns. She now leads sustainability at Openreach as Head of Sustainability. Xynteo’s Eleanor Besley-Gould sat down with Abby to talk about her journey, what she has learnt, and how she sees the future of sustainability in …

Women For People And Planet: Dr Victoria Hurth

  • 14.03.2024
  • 14 min
Dr Victoria Hurth

From an inquisitive child who questioned everything to an energetic young adult trying to find her role in the world to a self-assured woman who, in her own words, is a break-free-of-the-pack person who helps enable others to be more boldly authentic, Dr Victoria Hurth has always strived to make a difference.  Xynteo’s Sally Gray sat down with Victoria to talk …

Women For People And Planet: Joanna Yarrow

  • 08.03.2024
  • 9 min

A child who grew up in the woods (encouraged to pee on the compost heap), a young adult who traipsed around the continent pushing the conversation around sustainability (old fogeys mistook her for the assistant to the “boss”), and a woman who is now one of the UK’s leading experts in sustainable living—Joanna Yarrow specialises in making green living attractive …

Women For People And Planet: Audra Walton

  • 08.03.2024
  • 4 min

Impacted at a young age by environmental issues in the Chesapeake Bay region where she grew up, Audra has since pushed for change at corporates and financial institutions across the world.    Xynteo’s Sally Gray sat down with Audra to talk about her career, what she has learnt along the way, and what she sees as the future of sustainability. …

Women For People And Planet: Beth Knight

  • 08.03.2024
  • 8 min
Beth Knight

In a career reaching back to the beginnings of sustainability as a business discipline, Beth Knight has been at the centre of creating positive impact in roles that have spanned Accenture, EY, and Amazon.  From finding solutions to some of the critical challenges of our time, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, to balancing the demands …

Women For People And Planet: Daniella Vega

  • 08.03.2024
  • 7 min

From a producer of natural history TV programmes to leading health and sustainability at one the world’s leading food retail groups, Daniella Vega has cut her teeth in the television, retail and food industries while keeping a laser-sharp focus on ensuring every platform she is part of is focussed on impact.  Xynteo’s Eleanor Besley-Gould sat down with Daniella to talk about …

How Do We Build Sustainable Cities Of The Future, Together?

  • 28.02.2024
  • 6 min

The growth of modern cities is a critical lever for economic growth and prosperity around the world, bringing benefits such as improved employment opportunities and an increased quality of life for citizens through better education and health. Despite these benefits, the world’s cities account for 70% of energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions while occupying just 3% of the Earth’s land …

Energy Leap Concludes Its Inaugural Innovation Challenge For Clean Hydrogen Start-Ups With Winner Announced At The Exchange 2024

  • 21.02.2024
  • 2 min

Xynteo’s Energy Leap, an end-to-end clean hydrogen technology and business accelerator launched in 2023, presented its first Innovation Challenge award to Suzhiyam Industrial Machines, a promising start-up working on a pathbreaking solution in the clean hydrogen value chain, at the Exchange, presented by Hindalco in collaboration with Xynteo, on 16 February. For the Innovation Challenge, Energy Leap received 23 applications …