Actionable Roadmap for Net Zero Construction

The Client, who is a major FMCG player, is executing an urban sanitation project as part of its community development program.

The client, wishes to raise its ambition further to explore how the centres can achieve Net Zero carbon, across the entire lifecycle. With this background, the client has engaged Xynteo to develop a Net Zero carbon roadmap for the urban sanitation project.


The key objectives for the engagement:

  • Establishing a baseline of carbon footprint
  • Defining what NetZero means for the urban sanitation project
  • Identifying feasible intervention points to achieve lower carbon emissions

Lack of awareness hampers implementation for sustainable construction despite community desire for green buildings – such projects can act as blueprint for sustainable construction practices

Xynteo’s Role

Emissions baselining: Xynteo team engaged with the client team to carry out baselining for operational and embodied carbon footprint

Market scoping: Xynteo team worked on identifying commercially available and technically acceptable interventions

Expected Outcomes

Emissions reductions: Use of lower carbon materials reduced whole lifecycle footprint by ~20%

Certifications: Setup client for success with newer versions of green building certifications in a new building category

Awareness creation: Helps educate stakeholders on viability of low carbon interventions to reduce embodied carbon

Lighthouse project: Serve as a blueprint for the future of built-environment in India and accelerate demand for low carbon materials

About the Author

Nicolas Midegs

Head of Marketing, Xynteo

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