Embedding Systems Transformation Leadership For Sustainability

Xynteo was chosen by a leading consumer goods business to help embed transformation skills within their global leadership team

The opportunity

Sustainability has long been a core part of our partners purpose, but the company wanted to make sure that sustainability was truly at the core of its business growth strategy across all the geographies and markets it operates in. 

To accelerate this process, the business wanted to develop a senior leadership programme to equip its leaders with the tools to drive purpose-led, future-fit change throughout the organisation. 

The solution

In collaboration with Xynteo and a 3rd party, the client developed a 6-month programme for its EVP and VP level leaders to harness their ‘Inner and Outer Game’ in order to drive systemic and sustainable growth in their businesses.  

Xynteo delivered the ‘Outer Game’ programme, equipping leaders with systems transformation tools and mindsets which would be then apply to sustainable growth challenges facing the client. The programme started with a week-long intensive and immersive programme, followed by a series of ‘challenge group’ meetings to prepare their sustainable growth strategies to present to executive-level sponsors.

The results

The project is now on its third cohort and continues to develop in response to our partners 

needs, with a further three cohorts in the pipeline. 


Participants that have joined to date


Countries with participants represented


Year running for the programme

Xynteo studios

During this project, expertise, support and leadership was provided by our Studio operating model.​ Learn more about how our Studios can help your organisation grow forward.

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