The food system is rapidly transitioning from a reliance on meat and dairy to plant-based alternatives. Getting there requires collaboration and innovation across the food value chain, but there is little alignment between key players.
Our client saw an opportunity to bring the sector together to collaborate at a conference focusing on the ‘future of our food system’. Xynteo were asked to facilitate workshops throughout the conference, and to utilise the insights generated to develop a market-facing pathway designed to hold the sector accountable.
Attendees at a ‘future of food’ sector-wide conference
Innovation-focused strategic next steps taken to board level
Calls to action taken forward as recommendations to the wider food system
The initiative
The key objectives for the engagement:
- Bring together sector leaders around the topic of the future of food
- Develop recommendations the client can utilise for empowering the sector accelerate progress
- Showcase the client’s brand as a forward-leaning market participant and sustainability leader
Xynteo’s role
Convening and content:
- Engaged conference participants with perspective changing and shaping session content
Actionable insight report:
- Developed an internal action plan of ten key actions for the board
Vision development:
- Produced an external-facing document with five prompts for the wider food sector