Accelerating Green Hydrogen Ambitions For India’s Energy Transition

Green hydrogen adoption in India has the potential for technological innovation, transforming and decarbonising the hard-to-abate industries, creating employment opportunities and further economic development. 

In order to allow flexibility to the industries embarking on the decarbonisation journey, unique and customised requirements should be met – which requires a robust policy framework taking a systems approach that can benefit the stakeholder across the value chain. 

In 2022, the Government of India has announced new policies and ambitions in the green hydrogen space that aim to accelerate India’s transformation into a hydrogen producing superpower. We welcome the National Green Hydrogen Mission and the first phase of the green hydrogen policy by the government of India, providing incentives for the renewable energy sector and promoting green hydrogen production. 

Technip Energies, as a key expert in the hydrogen sector, along with Xynteo have identified key areas and insights that could be included in the subsequent green hydrogen policies, which will further accelerate development of green hydrogen economy in India. Inconjunction with Xynteo, Technip Energies have compiled a range of recommendations and additional steps that the government can take to accelerate the transition and fully seize the environmental and commercial opportunity. 

In this report you will find:

  • Defining “Green” Hydrogen
  • Proposed ‘Green Procurement Equivalence Framework’ to incentivise sectoral growth 
  • Steps to stimulate and accelerate the creation of hydrogen demand by consumers
  • Meeting infrastructure needs
  • Enabling supply chain capabilities across the ecosystem
  • Addressing the impact of the energy transition on the workforce



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    The paper has been jointly authored by Technip Energies and Xynteo.

    Xynteo, in partnership with the SED Fund, Technip Energies and Research and Innovation Circle of Hyderabad (RICH), is proud to announce the launch of Energy Leap – Asia’s first end-to-end clean hydrogen technology accelerator focused on driving sustainable energy innovation that will power India’s home-grown energy security, economic development, and decarbonisation journey.

    Learn more about Energy Leap

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